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This page is a space for members of our community to share information, announcements, and events with each other. Before submitting content, please take a moment to review our guidelines below to ensure that your post meets our standards for inclusivity and respect.
To submit content, please use the form below. We ask that you provide a brief description of your post, along with any relevant links or images. Once you submit your content, our moderators will review it to ensure that it meets our guidelines. Please note that not all submissions may be approved for publication.
Purpose: At Oaklands Community Association, we value community engagement and believe that sharing information about events, activities, and opportunities can strengthen our community. As a resource, OCA provides space for external materials of general interest from other organizations that are non-profit in nature.
Note: Posting of materials does not imply OCA endorsement of any group, organization, or view.
Community bulletin board may be used for the following types of information:
· Postings of future educational, social, civic, cultural, or recreational activities.
· Postings by non-profit organizations, groups, agencies or by any federal, state, or local government agency providing services.
· Free community information (health, civic, social, religious)
· Programs sponsored by local community organizations
· Events run by, or to raise funds for, non-profit organizations
Community bulletin board may not be used for the following types of information:
· Materials that support or oppose any political candidate, political party, or ballot measure
· Materials that support or oppose a specific religious conviction
· Materials that contravene the BC Human Rights Code, the Criminal Code of Canada, federal or provincial laws and regulations, municipal by-laws and/or OCA policies.
· Commercial notices, solicitations, business cards, job postings and retail advertising
· Personal notices of items of sale
· Personal solicitations for fundraisers
To ensure that the information posted on our virtual community bulletin board is relevant, appropriate, and beneficial to our community, we have established the following:
General Posting Guidelines
1. All content must be submitted electronically using the online form provided on our website and approved before being published.
2. Flyers will be posted weekly and may remain posted for a maximum of 30 days.
3. Postings may be displayed for up to 30 days prior to an event and will be removed immediately following the event. Due to space restraints, it is at the discretion of the OCA to determine how long a posting for a series of events will remain.
4. Postings of any one event will be limited to one (1).
5. Postings must state the specific date of an event and contact person including name, phone number(s), and/or e-mail address.
6. Inquiries regarding events and activities described on postings must be directed to the sponsors of the event, program, etc. and not to the OCA staff.
7. Priority will be given to community-sponsored postings.
8. The posted materials must not compete with current OCA programming.
9. Appropriate content: All activities or information posted on the virtual bulletin board must be appropriate for children and respectful to OCA values.
Note: The Oaklands Community Association (OCA) does not modify or edit the posters submitted for the community bulletin board. It is the responsibility of the submitting party to ensure that all information on the poster is accurate. Additionally, please note that all content must be submitted in PDF or JPG/PNG formats for consideration.
OCA reserves the right to deny any request for posting on the virtual bulletin board that does not meet our guidelines or does not align with our mission and values. We appreciate your cooperation in helping us maintain a respectful and positive virtual community bulletin board for our community.
Oaklands Community Centre
Reception Hours: Monday-Friday from 9:00 am - 5:00 pm
#1-2827 Belmont Avenue
Victoria, BC V8R 4B2
T: 250-370-9101 F: 250-370-9102
Oaklands Neighbourhood House
Little Acorn Hours: Monday-Friday from 7:30 am - 5:30 pm
2629 Victor Street
Victoria, BC V8R 4E3
T: 250-370-9101 F: 250-370-9159
Oaklands Hamilton Park
Infant/Toddler Centre Hours: Monday- Friday 7:45am- 5:30pm
1487 Hamilton Rd
Victoria, BC V8R 2Y2
T: 250-370-9101 F: 250-370-9159
BN: 882929946RR0001
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